Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT)

Emotional Transformation Therapy (ETT)

ETT is an experiential form of therapy that is based on attachment theory, neuroscience and visual ecology. It uses light and color and it’s been supported by a vast amount of scientific research.

When we have light entering our eyes peripherally, that is from different angles, it activates different neural networks in our brains.  This can access parts of trauma experiences as memories, emotions, body sensations, etc.  ETT can help access resource states beyond trauma.  The brain then begins to let go of or extinguish the neural networks that have held the trauma and our reactions to it and to create new neural networks that help us heal and move on and produce long-term change.  From there, we can even then develop or access new insights, growth and strengths.



Color perceptions have been scientifically shown to affect and change:

  • Emotional states
  • Thoughts and the content of thoughts
  • Language and verbal expression, and
  • Memory; and all these can change color perceptions as well.


ETT uses four modalities or tools that include Spectral Resonance Technique, Multidimensional Eye Movement, Peripheral Eye Stimulation and the use of a light emitting device. ETT typically facilitates relief of emotional distress and it may relief physical pain as a result of processing emotions associated with it.


What Conditions Can Be Treated with ETT?

ETT possesses rapid, advanced and long-term outcomes for several different conditions:

    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    • Acute Stress Disorder
    • Complex Trauma
    • Depression
    • Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.)
    • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
    • Panic Disorder
    • Social Phobia and other types of phobias
    • Sleep Disorders
    • Spiritual Issues
    • It also helps with the stress and emotional components of physical pain such as:
      • Low back pain
      • Migraine headaches
      • Accident recovery
      • Fibromyalgia, among others